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VIP Member Benefits

Our VIP Members—our Very Invested Partners—are instrumental to our organization. We are so very grateful for you!

To say thank you, we are constantly adding perks and benefits to those who have committed to supporting NLHG. Please contact us if you would like to share a discount with our VIP Members!

  • a mason jar butter churn kit with a roots and harvest logo

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  • a stack of homesteading books with Chelsea Green's logo above them

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  • a shelf of crockery with a sign that says made in Ohio Lehman's

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  • a shelf of flour mixes that have the cor eats logo

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What does an NLHG VIP Membership do?

Your VIP Membership supports current Chapters and helps start new Chapters. It pays for expenses associated with marketing, our website, and professional services. Plus, as a VIP Member, you receive discounts from our national partners, exclusives from National Virtual Gatherings, and discounts and early enrollment for National Gatherings. 

VIP Member Benefits:

VIP Members are eligible:

  • To participate on their Primary Chapter's Board.
  • To vote on topics for the upcoming year in their Chapters.
  • To participate in NLHG events and giveaways.
  • To receive discounts and the opportunity for early registration for NLHG events.
  • To receive discounts on Chapter workshops and events, if offered.
  • To participate in VIP Member-only Chapter events, if offered.

VIP Member Exclusive discounts

"After moving from Colorado back to Georgia, I was desperate for a community of women who understood me, who didn't think I was a weirdo for wanting to grow food and have chickens. Once I went to my first Gathering, I was hooked, despite the two-and-a-half hour round trip drive!"

- Trina R.

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