A small Community of women who have believed in the Purpose and Mission of NLHG. Together, we share knowledge, build community, and grow friendships.
It is a special team of women willing to go the extra mile and share their time and talents to benefit the entire organization – the Executive Team.
Over the years, many beautiful faces have sat around the executive planning meeting table, wrestling through the various details of running a non-profit. Hours upon hours have been given to better who we are and what we stand for as an organization of like-minded women. We’ve word-smithed ad nauseam and created and edited the Handbook at every yearly planning meeting since its inception. We’ve tweaked and deleted and re-written and created, and always, the strength of the direction of this organization is found in the Community of women on the Executive Team. Here’s a shout-out to every woman who gave of herself to serve on the Executive Team since 2013.
For 2024, our theme for the year is Prioritize People.
And while we are prioritizing our Leaders, VIPs, and the ladies who make up this fantastic organization, I’d like to prioritize the women on the Executive Team for a moment (listed by the length of time they’ve been selflessly giving their time and talents):
For countless hours, these ladies work behind the scenes because they believe in the National Ladies Homestead Gathering’s mission, and they believe in you!
If you see one of them, let them know how much you appreciate them as a fellow homesteader and thank them for all they have given to NLHG.
I will be the first in line! Thank you ladies! I appreciate each one of you so much. I am honored to work alongside you as we continue to grow this amazing organization, the National Ladies Homestead Gathering!
P.O. Box 1190 Statham, GA 30666
All Rights Reserved | National Ladies Homestead Gathering, Inc.